Romania has tremendous potential to produce outstanding wines. There are currently a handful of wineries producing noteworthy stuff in each region.
The ancient region of Banat now covers the south west of Romania, but also parts of Serbia and Hungary. In Romania it is home to the Recaş DOC.
Read more ▸Located in the Northwest of Romania, Crisana & Maramures is one of the country’s most westernised regions when it comes to wine styles. Situated ...
Read more ▸The Moldavia region is covers a large section of East Romania and is home to important DOC wines such as Cotnari.
Read more ▸Muntenia-Oltenia is a huge wine making region that covers the south west of Romania.
Read more ▸Transylvania is a fascinating Romanian wine region earning a reputation for fresh fragrant white wines from both local and international varieties.
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